KTU DBMS LAB CSL 333 BTech S5 - Dr Binu V P
About Me About the course Syllabus and Experiments **************************************** Introduction to RDBMS Working with MySQL ER Diagrams-MySQL Workbench Introduction to SQL Data types in MySQL Built-in Functions MySQL Aggregate Functions Enforcing rules using constraints MySQL -Lab Exercise ****************************************** Joining tables Order by, group by and having clause Nested Queries MySQL -Lab Exercise ******************************************* Insert Data from a CSV file Set Operations Queries using temporary tables TCL commands in MySQL DCL commands in MySQL Views and Assertions Library Database- Lab Exercise ********************************************* PL/SQL and Stored Procedures IF statement in PL/SQL CASE statement in PL/SQL Loops in PL/SQL Procedures in PL/SQL Functions in PL/SQL Triggers in PL/SQL Cursors in PL/SQL Packages in PL/SQL Exception Handling in PL/SQL Backing up and Restoring Databases Query Analysis using Query Plan *******************...