About the course DBMS LAB


The Database Management Systems course is intended to impart the elementary concepts of a database management system to students and equip them to design and implement a database application based on those concepts. This course helps the learners to get practical exposure on database creation, SQL queries creation, transaction processing and NoSQL & MongoDB based operations. The course enables the students to create, manage and administer the databases, develop necessary tools for the design and development of the databases, and to understand emerging technologies to handle Big Data.

Prerequisite: A sound knowledge of the basics of relational DBMS.

Course Outcomes: After the completion of the course the student will be able to
CO1 Design database schema for a given real world problem-domain using standard design and modeling approaches. (Cognitive Knowledge Level: Apply)
CO2 Construct queries using SQL for database creation, interaction, modification, and updation. (Cognitive Knowledge Level: Apply)
C03 Design and implement triggers and cursors. (Cognitive Knowledge Level: Apply)
C04 Implement procedures, functions, and control structures using PL/SQL. (Cognitive Knowledge Level: Apply)
CO5 Perform CRUD operations in NoSQL Databases. (Cognitive Knowledge Level:Apply)
C06 Develop database applications using front-end tools and back-end DBMS. (Cognitive Knowledge Level: Create)

Mark Distribution
Total Marks    CIE Marks         ESE Marks     ESE Duration
150                 75                         75                     3 hours

Continuous Internal Evaluation Pattern:
Attendance : 15 marks
Continuous Evaluation in Lab : 30 marks
Continuous Assessment Test : 15 marks
Viva-voce : 15 marks

Internal Examination Pattern : 
The marks will be distributed as 
Schema/Logic: 30
marks, Program/Queries: 20 marks, 
Output: 20 marks, and 
Viva: 30 marks. 
Total 100
marks which will be converted out of 15 while calculating Internal Evaluation marks

End Semester Examination Pattern:
The marks will be distributed as Schema/Logic: 30 marks,
Program/Queries: 20 marks, 
Output: 20 marks, and 
Viva: 30 marks.
 Total 100 marks will
be converted out of 75 for the End Semester Examination.

DBMS software: Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MongoDB.
Front end Tool: Java

Fair Lab Record:
All Students attending the DBMS Lab should have a Fair Record. The fair record should be produced in the University Lab Examination. Every experiment conducted in the lab should be noted in the fair record. For every experiment in the fair record, the right hand page should contain Experiment Heading, Experiment Number, Date of Experiment, Aim of Experiment, SchemasMenu & Form Design, and Query questions. The left hand page should contain Queries and sample output(relations created, Form, and Menu Output) obtained for a set of input.


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